Marvel: Rock Paper Heroes – Enter the Danger Room
Rock Paper Heroes is a fast and frantic reimagining of the classic game of throwing hand gestures.
Whether you want to use a mastery of the weather like Storm, cosmic-fire like Phoenix, or you’re simply the best at what you do like Wolverine – the hero that makes the best use of their powers and has uncanny reactions to the situation they’re in will be the winner – at least until the next training session! Choose your technique, overcome new hazards and reach the controls to succeed in Rock Paper Heroes: Enter the Danger Room!
This game contains:
- Danger Room Board
- 8 X-Men Playmats
- 8 X-Men Standees
- 8 Plastic Stands
- 20 Technique Cards
- 9 Hazard Cards
- 1 Initiative Token
- 30+ Energy Tokens
- 30+ VP Tokens 1 Rulebook